Tot Book Club

More Than Just a Story

random acts of kindness

Think About it Thursday: Cheer

Let's take a deeper look at the little girl in Happy Birthday, Madame Chapeau. For this Think About it Thursday, we will look for Madame Chapeaus in our daily lives. Other than the ladies from One of a Kind Hats that we met last Word Wednesday, we don't know any milliners (hatmakers), but I am certain that there are plenty of people who could use a little cheer. The little girl appears early in the story and follows Madame Chapeau around town. If you look closely, you'll notice that she has knitting needles and a different color of yarn in each picture. She was very observant and in the end gave the distraught milliner exactly what she needed. Even though the hat had no baubles and no bows, the squishy hat was the perfect gift to show Madame Chapeau that she wasn't alone. Thus that is our mission today. We will find a need and the Tots will come up with a thoughtful way to fulfill the need. While they may need some guidance, my goal is to go with their instincts. Though their ideas may not be what I would do, I want them to see that they can make a difference in other people's lives too.

In the comments or on social media, let us know if you find a Madame Chapeau in your life and how you plan to bring her cheer.
